Frequently Asked Questions

The surge in popularity of DS products in the fight against COVID-19 brought with it a host of questions about the 3D disinfectant/decontaminant. The collection of questions and answers below represent their replies.

What is 3D?

3D is a powerful and effective decontaminant, disinfectant, sanitizer, cleaner, and deodorizer for a multitude of applications in various industries from military, first responders, to food and biosecurity.

What is the shelf life of 3D?

5 years in the bulk form.

How long will the mixture last once mixed?

The easy answer is 8 hours for 100% efficacy. Up to 8 hours is recommended disinfection, food surface sanitation, and CWA/BWA. Antimicrobial properties, however, are available up to 30 days.

How can the product be used?

Misted, sprayed, foamed, mopped on or used as soak, or laundry.

Eye protection, respiratory protection, and gloves. A protective suit is optional.

What is meant by "dwell time"?

Dwell time is a similar way of saying contact time and is the preferred phrase of the EPA. It is the amount of time a surface must remain in contact with 3D in order to neutralize the contaminant. For unknown substances, allow a 30 minute dwell time to ensure neutralization.

How long does the product need to sit on the surface?

It depends on the contaminant, but contact times range anywhere from 1 to 30 minutes, with 30 minutes being for the complete destruction of HD blister agent. For specific guidelines, check our approved label claim for organisms and chemical test reports.

For COVID-19, our label claim is based on our norovirus claim, which when we did the test was 10 minutes. However, Sandia and KSU did tests on Bovine Coronavirus with 3D at 25%, 50%, and 100% ratios in 50% soil load, and the contact time was 1-3 minutes.

What kind of sprayer can I use with this product?

Garden sprayer, paint sprayer, any type of liquid sprayer you can get at your local hardware store or garden center. Compressed air foamers, electrostatic sprayers, and foggers work as well. Try to get sprayers with Viton rubber seals if possible. Steel fittings are preferred over brass or aluminum. Wash applicator after every use.

What PPE should be used when spraying or fogging with this product?

Eye protection, respiratory protection, and gloves. A protective suit is optional.

If 3D is safe, why do I need PPE?

3D can be an irritant. To what degree depends on the individual person’s sensitivity to the ingredients in 3D. Since we are unable to determine the end user’s sensitivity and application exposure, we recommend a level of PPE to alleviate any potential irritation.

Do I need to wipe down after?

For electronics, sensitive equipment, unfinished brass, unfinished aluminum, 100% all-natural wool, silicon rubber, butyl rubber, Plexiglas, and synthetic plastics, we recommend rinsing or wiping, especially for repeated use or for occasions when these substances become very saturated with DS 3D.

Is 3D approved for use on food contact surfaces?

Yes, but it requires a potable water rinse afterwards.

Can 3D be used to kill mold?

Yes, it is a EPA registered fungicide.

Is 3D Kosher certified?


Is 3D Halal certified?


What is the coverage of 1 gallon of  3D mixture?

· Spray: 150 square feet

· Foam: 225 square feet

· Fogging: 4,000 square feet

''3D'' named ''D7/Decon7'' originally.

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